Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Joint Visit to House For the Specials, Kampar 19/9

On the 19th September 2009 , our Social Service Chairperson, Leo Boo Jun Hong organized a joint visit with Leo Club of Pei Yuan & Leo Club of ACS Kampar to House For The Specials at Kampar.We're glad DG Lion Choong Kwei Loi joined us during the visit. House For The Specials having their main problem with not enough of spaces, their compound are only enough for 20 patients for physiotherapy.It can't accommodate too much patients as Leos went there, Leos were crowded the whole compound. Overall our OC did a great job and made this visit a success.

As we finished the visit , our Public Relationship Chairperson also conducted a small project by interact with Leos from Leo Club of Pei Yuan & Leo Club of ACS Kampar at the CRAZY Cafe.